Workaround: In some situation, you need to autoload custom Visual Analytics LASR for LASR Analytic Server library defined in metadata.
The following are the steps:
1, Copy this whole directory “VALIBLA” from this location: “<DriveLetter path>:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Applications\SASVisualAnalytics\VisualAnalyticsAdministrator\ and save or place it under “<DriveLetter path>:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Applications\AutoLoad\”
Note: You need to manually create this directory “Autoload” under ““<DriveLetter path>:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Applications\” and please make sure LASRADM user id should have all permissions set for this Autoload directory.
2. Now you need to customize these following files that are present under “<DriveLetter path>:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Applications\AutoLoad\VALIBLA” directory:
a) AutoLoad.cfg
i) You need to set config variable for your custom autoload directory VALIBLA
-config “<DriveLetter>:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Applications\AutoLoad\VALIBLA\AutoLoad_usermods.cfg“
b) runsas.bat
i) You need to set two variables SERVER_CONTEXT and AUTOLOAD_ROOT paths
2. set AUTOLOAD_ROOT=<DriveLetter>:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Applications\AutoLoad\VALIBLA
c) schedule.bat
i) You need to set RUNSAS_PATH variable path
set RUNSAS_PATH=”<DriveLetter>:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Applications\AutoLoad\VALIBLA\runsas.bat”
3. Now schedule that custom autoload Visual Analytic LASR and for that purpose you need to login into the server using LASRADM id and need to run this script: schedule.bat
Once you run that script you need to go to the Start Icon and type Task Scheduler and open it
i) Right click VALIBLA – Auto Load Scheduler and select Properties.
ii) Select Run whether user is logged on or not option and click OK. And Please ensure the author of that specific schedule is LASRADM id (domain\lasradm)
iii) It will prompt for LASRADM id (domain\lasradm) credentials, please provide those credentials, and click OK.
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