Error: During SAS configuration on Linux x64 or Windows x64 server an error message is occurred for SAS Web Application Server Configuration.
An unexpected error occurred. Please refer to /opt/sas/config/Lev1/Logs/Configure/Vfabrictcsvr_startMidTierServers_*.log for more details. In error log this message is appeared:
2021-01-18 17:55:33,955 [main] ERROR -java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timeout reached before port opened. (
Resolution steps:
Looks like JMS service on port 61616 is not responding for the request. For possible or quick fix, you need to stop and start JMS service on Linux server or Windows server. Use the following information if you need to start or stop the JMS Broker individually: • Script location (UNIX only): SAS-configuration-directory/Lev1/Web/activemq/bin/ • Windows command: (Use Windows service) • UNIX command: activemq start|stop|status|restart
Click Retry in SAS Deployment Wizard once the command has finished executing.