Recently we were asked a question if there was a way to start the SAS VA (Private/Public LASR) without using Auto Load and or using the SAS VA Administrator web application page?
The answer is a resounding, Yes!
Following are details of how to start SAS VA private LASR via SAS (batch) program Requisites:
1) Applicable for starting a non-distributed server from a batch program
2) SAS program will be batch
3) The SAS program will remain active until it is terminated via another batch program
4) The SAS program will produce a log which could be used for any troubleshooting or status.
5) To stop LASR, another short SAS program needs to execute.
6) The ID used to run the code must be an administrator or ideally the lasradm
7) Code takes advantage of the SERVERWAIT procedure which pauses execution of the VASMP procedure util the server it uses gets a termination request. This statement suspends the executing SAS session until the server stops or an interrupt signal is received.
Start LASR
/* Assigning libname and using the sigfiles location for the PID */
libname server1 sasiola startserver=(path=”C:\SAS\Config\Lev1\AppData\SASVisualAnalytics\VisualAnalyticsAdministrator\sigfiles” keeplog=yes maxlogsize=20)
host=”sasva.aii3.local” port=10011 tag=’hps’
/*SERVERWAIT Statement for the VASMP Procedure */
/* This statement suspends the executing SAS session until the server */
/* stops or until an interrupt signal is received. */
proc vasmp;
serverwait port=10011;
/*Stopping a Non-Distributed Server with the LIBNAME CLEAR Option*/
proc vasmp;
serverterm host=”sasva.aii3.local” port=10011;